
Authors of Hipsburn Autumn Term
Congratulations to our star writers for Autumn term: Emily, Samuel, Ella, Emily, Matvii, Alfie, Alice and Verity. 
They have all worked incredibly hard to produce excellent pieces of writing which will be shared on our 'Authors of Hipsburn' display at the front of school. A lovely hot chocolate and story afternoon is definitely well deserved! 

Inspired by Greta Thunberg!
After reading a collection of Greta Thunberg's speeches in 'No one is too small to make a difference', year 6 were inspired to write their own persuasive speeches about issues that they feel passionate about. Having researched their topics, they set off writing speeches, each covering different issues, including: animal poaching, deforestation, food production and climate change. 
Everyone then performed their speeches to the class- all read with exceptional passion and consequently very persuasive indeed!