Spring 2025
World Book Day 2025
Ford class had wonderful day celebrating world book day. Lots of children had made some very impressive, imaginative headwear! We helped to write a whole-school story about a space adventure. Following this, we designed front covers for our school story. We also decorated our own bookmarks based on our favorite characters and stories. As well as this, we finally finished Charlie and the Chocolate factory (an added extra class book as the children were loving it so much in English they wanted to hear the whole story)! A super world book day.
Design Technology
Ford class had a super afternoon starting to make their pavilions. They carefully followed their plans, selecting appropriate materials to make their creation come to life. The children constantly evaluated their structures, arranging their materials in a way that would reinforce and make it more stable.
Whilst making our pavilions, we spotted a deer outside the classroom.
Ford class have been continuing their computing unit on photo editing. Most recently, they used canva to edit images for a set purpose/scenario. The children copied and pasted images from a fairytale and used filters, adjustments and an eraser tool to make the image look more sinister or more happy. As a class we edited an image of the gingerbread man to look less sinister by using ai to erase the stream ahead and make it look as though he was running towards strawberries! Some great finished pieces of work. Well done, Ford!
KS2 have begun dance sessions every Wednesday with a specialist dance coach. Already, within the first lesson, the children learnt a full dance routine! Children had lots of fun, freestyling and following the set routine.
ord class extended their learning about picture editing and learnt to add new elements to images. The children used 'Paintz.app' and copied and pasted images of space and their favorite animal. The children then careful used the lasso cropping tool to cut out their animal image to make it look as thought it was in space! Excellent work!
Design Technology
Ford class have really been enjoying the planning process of designing their pavilion structures. They used the app 'pic collage' to collect research/ideas and plan their designs on the iPad. Following this, they used straws and links to explore different ways to make stable and reinforced structures.
New iPads
Ford class have thoroughly enjoyed using our new iPads to support learning across the curriculum. In maths, we have been using a fractions app to represent tenths in different ways. In English, We have used the iPads to assist us in researching ocean habitats and plastic pollution. As well as this, we have explored photo editing in computing, exploring the effects that filters, stickers and cropping can have.