Autumn 2024
A visit from Father Christmas
We were extremely lucky to have a surprise visit from Father Christmas. The children had lots of questions about his work and where he lives.
On the same day we had our Christmas party we had lots of fun with games and dancing.
Christmas crafts
Bamburgh class had a busy half term with wool wrapping and weaving with material and paper.
They had great fun designing a Christmas card for our local church and in RE thought about 'What Christmas means to Christians' and made a paper Advent Wreath.
Visit to Woodhorn Museum - December
Bamburgh class enjoyed a fabulous Christmas trip to Woodhorn museum at the end of term.
We split into two groups to complete all activities. We crawled through a mining tunnel and explored what Christmas was like in the 1930s by completing a treasure hunt. We listened to the story 'Twas the night before Christmas' and spoke about the Christmas traditions we have in comparison to those in the 1930s.
We had a really fantastic time making snowball catapults and testing them to see if our designs worked and who could shoot the snowball the furthest.
The children had a super day and learned so much about Woodhorn!
Bamburgh Castle Class - A Festive Outdoor Day
Bamburgh's Outdoor Day was all themed on festivities, including 'The Night Before Christmas' with the aims to develop scientific knowledge as well as creativity and teamwork.
The day began with our own version of 'sleigh-pulling' experiments where we thought about the forces of pushing and pulling and what can increase and decrease friction. We then used lots of festive theme stories throughout the day like 'The Night Before Christmas', 'Little Robin Red Vest' and 'Laura's Star' to inspire us either independently or in our teams to create sculptures, decorations or represent a part of the story board from the book. We shared our outcomes by 'showing and telling' what we had created developing our speaking and listening skills. There were so many fantastic ideas and we did ourselves proud at how we all worked together. We then had a little magical time in the forest as we made our very own outdoor 'jingle bell' which was absolutely perfect for a bit of festive singing and helped us warm up as we had a treat of hot chocolate. A lovely way to be rewarded on a wonderful outdoor day.
Santa Dash - 6th December
Bamburgh Class looked very festive with their Christmas hats and headbands in our Santa Dash. We completed 12 laps around the playground and all had red noises just like Rudolf by the time we finished.
Children in Need - 15th November
Bamburgh Class looked amazing in their Children Need outfits. Well done everyone for joining in and having such a fun day!
Welcome to Bamburgh Class
This week Bamburgh class have had a very busy week settling into our new class and working together.
We have been exploring wheels and axles in design and technology, designing and making our own different modes of transport.