Autumn 2024

Children in Need - Bearpee Challenge
Every class in school took part in the 'bear-pee' challenge for children in need. Ford class really enjoyed the challenge, working hard to perfect their form and complete as many burpees as possible in the given time! In our class, 3 children received jewels for completing lots of burpees, adjusting their form and persevering even when tired! Well done, Ford!

Career Related Learning
Both Ford and Etal class were very lucky and got the opportunity to take part in a green skills careers workshop, ran by Northumberland College. The children completed a quiz at the start of the lesson with questions such as 'how do you get to the top of a wind turbine?'. They then learned all about green careers and took part in an experiment. Each table had a box full of the different parts of a wind turbine, they worked as a team to build their turbine. Each group competed with each other to see which turbine could produce the most energy. Connor from green skills tested each turbine and a winning team was selected from each class. A super afternoon full of career-related learning!

Ford class have been creating some harvest inspired artwork, ready for the harvest festival. The children used coloured oil pastels, card, cellophane and tissue paper to create effective looking harvest crops! 

Information Technology
Ford class have worked really hard to create logos that match their mindful, microbit timers! The children used sketchpad to layer clipart and create an effective logo. We discussed brand identity and made sure the logos matched the product. 
Information Technology
Ford Castle Class have had so much fun making timers using microbits. The children took time to plan the best length of time for their timer by evaluating other timer products that are familiar to them. Following this, they completed some tricky programming to make a timer that counted down from a set time. Once completed, they then debugged and edited their design. They were able to display a symbol after the timer had counted such as an alien or heart. They even managed to make the microbit timer play music, giggle and say hello when shook! Excellent teamwork and resilience shown!