General Information

Hipsburn Beach Schools
Every term, each class- from preschool to year 6- takes part in beach school where we spend a full day taking our learning outdoors. Fun activities include: den building, sand sculptures, rock-pooling and packed lunches on the beach!
We thank the Burgage Holders for funding our wonderful beach school days and letting the children use the equipment such as litter pickers and materials for den building. 

Quotes from the children at Hipsburn Primary
“I love the fun activities and exploring are local area.”
“I love working in groups and doing outdoor actives such as scavenger hunts, poems outside and even mindfulness on the parachute.”
“One of my favourite things about beach school is listening to the waves crash on the beach; and spending fun time with my friends.”
“Exploring Alnmouth, playing in the sand and listening to stories like Goodnight stories for rebel girls or Stories for boys who dare to be different.”
“We love going to beach school every half term and enjoying our local area, sightseeing and seeing some amazing animals.”
By Erica Year 6