The Governing Body

Governor Name Category and Appointing Body Date of Original Appointment Term of Office Non-Financial Interest Financial Interest Committee
Mrs Allison Wort (Chair) Co-opted 18/11/14 03/07/18 to 02/07/26 None None Strategic Policy
Mrs Claire Vass (Vice-Chair) Authority 16/05/16 16/05/24 to 15/05/28 None None Resources
Mr Kevin Moloney (Headteacher) By virtue of position 11/04/16 no end date by virtue of position  Teaching Staff None Resources and Strategic Policy
 Mrs Joanna Johnson  Staff 01/03/13  25/02/25 to 24/2/28 Teaching Staff None  Strategic Policy
Mr Murray Davies Co-opted 01/03/13 01/03/25 to 28/02/28 None None Resources
Ms Louise Selby Co-opted  21/11/16 19/11/24 to 18/11/28 Parent of a child at school. Married to Burgage holder. None Strategic Policy
Mrs Kathryn Brunton Co-opted 19/11/19 19/11/23-18/11/27 None None Resources
Mrs Lorraine Starkey Co-opted 19/11/19 19/11/23-18/11/27 None None Resources
Mrs Nicki Mathewson Co-opted 30/05/22 29/05/26 None None Resources
Mrs Rachel Wilson
Parent 24/04/23 23/04/27 Parent
Dr. Jo Gascoigne- Owens
Parent  16/12/24  15/12/28  Parent  None Strategic Policy
Co-opted         Strategic Policy

Area Lead Governor
Early Years Lorraine Starkey and Louise Selby
eSafety and ICT Murray Davies
Humanities Lorraine Starkey and Rachel Wilson
Literacy Allison Wort, Claire Vass and Nicki Mathewson
Numeracy Kathryn Brunton
Progress and Attainment Claire Vass and Nicki Mathewson
Pupil and Sports Premium Murray Davies
Safeguarding and Child Protection Allison Wort, Louise Selby and Nicki Mathewson
Science Kathryn Brunton
SEN Inclusion and Equality Jo Johnson and Nicki Mathewson
Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Lorraine Starkey and Rachel Wilson

Other Governors during rolling Calendar Year



Resignation/Retirement and Date Effective

Date of Appointment

Catherine Whyte

Resigned 05/07/2023


Ruth Mather

Resigned 20/11/2024
