Summer 2024

Ford Beach Day - Topic, Science, English and D.T.
Well despite the weather looking dubious we had another wonderful treat taking our learning down to the beach.  We definitely packed it in by reflecting and thinking about our recent Ancient Civilization Topic, Science, English and even our Design Technology!
We began the day thinking about the Ancient Civilizations - Sumer, Indus Valley and Shang Dynasty.  We thought about how they lived and had a go creating and recreating our favourite of these ancient civilisations. 
Then before lunch we though about our Science with plants and photosynthesis by looking closely at leaves and their shapes to help us think why they are like this.  There was some great species identification too.
After a lunch break we went on to think about our recent Design Technology topic - Castles.  We discussed castle construction, what makes a castle a castle and then we built our own castle using
as many different parts of a castle as possible in our Crew teams.
We finished the day with some beach poetry and sketching in our beach books.